The history of the Toowong Catholic School, first known as St Michael and Holy Souls, then known as Toowong Convent School, and now known as St Ignatius Parish School - growing better and stronger.
On 2 November, 1902, Archbishop Robert Dunne, when laying the foundation stone of the Toowong Catholic School, exhorted the people to “cherish the school as their own. Cuddle it to your hearts, make it the apple of your eye. There is nothing in the world that will reward you so well”.

Toowong Catholic Church and School 1893 - 1930

Toowong Catholic School - blessed and opened in 1903

New St Ignatius School May 18th 1930
Toowong was formally declared a separate parish under the care of the Jesuit Fathers on 31 July, 1916. Soon the district outgrew the Church and school and the Sisters of Mercy donated a portion of their property to build the new St Ignatius Church/School complex on its present site. In 1930 St Ignatius Church/School opened, replacing the Holland Street facilities. The school then had 9 classes with 212 students. The Scholarship class was in the foyer, while 5 classes were held in the present hall space, with 3 preparatory classes behind the present stage area.
During the depression years of the 1930’s, relief worker programs enhanced the surrounds of the new St Ignatius Church/School - the wall was cut back, and ramps, steps, drains were built.
In 1946 the foundation stone of the two storey brick block behind the church was laid. This building was to provide individual classrooms and domestic science facilities. The new school was opened in 1948.
The Morrow property, behind the school, was purchased by the Parish in 1975 to provide local playground accommodation for the younger classes. In the early 1980’s minor alterations were made to accommodate a library, office and staff room. The school came under lay principalship in 1983. In 1986 further upgrading of classrooms to State standards, together with a classroom extension, including tuckshop and Amphitheatre, was completed. In 2000 an additional 2 classrooms were constructed for the Year 3 classes, and the amphitheatre was converted into our current Year 6 classroom.
In 1996 the Morrow House was replaced by the present 2 storey brick building and undercover on the Grove Crescent site, dedicated to Sr Mary Leonard, RSM, in appreciation of her work for the School and Parish over a period of 44 years.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Ignatius Catholic Primary School (2015)