The St Ignatius Art program forms part of the school curriculum and is provided by the class teacher allowing students to explore a wide variety of art forms and techniques. Instruction is offered in the visual arts and this includes drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, construction and modelling. Samples of the children's work are displayed in school foyers and stairwells.

A specialist dance teacher is employed in Term 3 to teach all students. This intensive dance tuition culminates in participation in a Dance Competition held in conjunction with a number of schools called "Dance Fever".
The children at St Ignatius are given many opportunities to develop their musical ability. The school music program facilitates every class having a weekly 40 minute lesson with our specialist Music Teacher. During these lessons the children have the opportunity to foster a love of music through rhythm work, composition, playing recorders as well as dance and singing. The school choir is for students in our Middle Years phase of learning and participates in the Combined Catholic School Choral Festival annually.
Drama and Media are integrated into focussed units of study each term. Presentation of students' skills are celebrated at weekly assemblies.
An instrumental music program provides tuition to students wishing to learn brass, woodwind or percussion. Children from Year 5 are eligible to be included in the brass, woodwind and percussion program. Private piano, strings and guitar tuition is offered, as well as private speech and drama tuition.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Ignatius Catholic Primary School (2023)