Students at St Ignatius School have specialist Health and Physical Education classes each week with a qualified Health and Physical Education teacher. They have access to a wide range of sport and fitness activities, both as part of the physical education curriculum and through extracurricular activities. All students in Years 5–6 play interschool sports. The sports played vary from term to term and from year to year, and include netball, soccer, AFL and football.

Students also participate in zone and state competitions. Opportunities to participate at this higher level come through the West Taylor Bridge Competition where students are supported in sports such as netball, soccer, AFL or touch football.
Highlights of the sports calendar at St Ignatius include the annual cross-country event, a winter inter-house athletics carnival and a summer swimming carnival.
A specialist dance teacher is employed in Term 3 to teach all students. This intensive dance tuition culminates in participation in a Dance Competition held in conjunction with a number of schools called "Dance Fever".
All children are given the opportunity to attend swimming lessons either in Terms 1 and 4. Interhouse carnivals are held for Years 3 to 6 in Term 1, and Years 1 & 2 in Term 4.
The adventure playground is situated at the front of the school (Grove Crescent) for the exclusive use of students in Years P-3 with equipment to develop all of the major muscle groups.
Throughout the school year, opportunities arise when external sports organisations offer skills workshops for various sporting codes - e.g. Auskick, Brisbane Active Football, GoSports.
For students in the Early Years, the school offers a gross and fine motor development program each week - "Crocodile Club".
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Ignatius Catholic Primary School (2023)