Policies and Procedures for Enrolment

​​​​Should it be necessary to limit the intake of Prep or Year One pupils to St Ignatius, then preference will be given to:

(a) children who have other family members in the school.

(b) children of the Parish whose parents are practising Catholics and who are Catholic.

(c) children of the Parish who are Catholic.

(d) children of other Parishes who are practising Catholics.

(e) children of non-Catholics of the Parish who are practising their faith.

Children with special needs, who are resident in St Ignatius' Parish, will undertake an Enrolment Application Support​ Process. This process is designed to support St Ignatius and Parents to understand the impact of the child's disability, measures that would be required to meet the students needs and the schools ability to finance and provide a quality education for them in accordance with the Archdiocesan enrolment procedures for students with special needs.

The school’s enrolment policy will endeavour to meet the Archdiocesan requirement of not more than ten percent non-Catholic children being enrolled in the school.

If application is accepted it is understood that parents comply with the spirit of the school Mission Statement and agree to pay such fees and mandatory levies as set by the local authority.