St Ignatius School Toowong has a school uniform. The uniform was devised as a result of the collaborative efforts of parents and staff of the school over a period of time and their efforts were very successful, as the uniform attractively allows for different sizes of children, the activities in which they are involved and the climate in which they work.
It is expected that all children will wear the correct school uniform (as outlined in our School Uniform Policy).
St Ignatius Uniform Policy and Guidelines.pdf
Uniforms can be purchased at The School Locker, The Zone Oxley 2118 Ipswich Road, Oxley or check their website for other stores. Uniforms can also be purchased through their online store here. The school also has a small stock of second hand uniforms for sale every second Friday from 8.15am-9.30am.
Sports uniforms are usually worn on two days per week. “Formal” uniform on the other three days. Parents will be advised each term which days children are required to wear sports uniform.
Should you be experiencing financial difficulty in outfitting your son or daughter for school, please contact the school as some provision of assistance may be offered. I hope we can count on your support in the matter of school uniforms, as the end result is more beneficial for your child’s sense of pride and self-worth.